Our team of providers and care team members are excited to help you welcome your bundle of joy into the world! At Henry Community Health, our women and children’s care team is dedicated to providing an exceptional, patient-centered pregnancy and childbirth experience designed for the best long-term outcomes.

NICU-trained Pediatric Hospitalist

We have board-certified pediatric hospitalists who are NICU trained and work only in our hospital. These Providers are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to medically care for your baby. They attend deliveries and staff our Special Care Nursery. Experienced in caring for newborns and children who need specialty care, they collaborate closely with Riley and Peyton Manning Children’s Hospitals if a transfer is needed for further care

Let’s Take a Tour

Women and Childern’s Unit

Labor & Delivery Room

Postpartum Room

Maternity Classes & Support Groups

  • Prenatal Class. This class takes place during a single Saturday session, or in sessions that take place once a week for two weeks or three.
    • Understand the labor and delivery process for vaginal and c-section deliveries.
    • Learn about pain management options during and after delivery. Learn how to care for yourself postpartum and your baby.
    • Tour the WCU so that you can become familiar with your Birth Care Center
  • Breastfeeding Class. This class is offered once a month in the evening.
    • Learn about why breastfeeding is the preferred feeding method.
    • Learn about the anatomy and physiology of lactation.
    • Learn tips for successful latching and positions for breastfeeding.
    • Discuss problem-solving for pumping and storing milk.
    • Get help with how to obtain an insurance-provided breast pump.
  • Feeding Support Group. This class typically takes place on the second Monday and fourth Tuesday of each month.  

To register for classes, check out our events calendar for the most up-to-date information!